Joyeux Pâques! Happy Easter!
Some things from this week:
-This week I was sick with a fever so I slept a lot. But now I am better so ça va.
-Yesterday we (us 6 missionaries) sang "He Sent His Son" in Sacrament meeting for Easter. It was cute.
I always have looked up to missionaries since I was young. I thought the Elders were so old and handsome when I was young. And now I am here as a missionary and I see the REAL side of Elders. Hahahah. No I'm kidding the Elders here are awesome. But we are definitely 19 year olds still and like to laugh and have fun... and work hard and be good missionaries too:)
I just keep thinking, what! These missionaries are so young. I AM SO YOUNG. But indeed, we are missionaries.
We had our RDV with "S" this week. She was the one who was with two of her friends and they stopped us last week because they saw our missionary plaque. "S" is super super believing. When we walked into her apartment there were quotes from the Bible that she had hanging up everywhere. She is 22 and is originally from Africa.
Her sister and best friend were also there for the lesson. She has a lot of questions which is good but also requires REALLY following the holy ghost. And not going too fast in the lessons. But just teaching a little piece at a time. So after the RDV, the craziest thing happened. "S" and her best friend wanted to walk me and my companion home.
But we told them that we were going to contact people for a little bit on the street before going home. Then "S" says, OH I would love to talk to people about God with you too! Her friend looked at "S" like, "what, you are crazy!" Her friend pulled out her cigarette and started smoking. And "S" says, "You can't start smoking right as we are about to go contact people." So her friend hid behind a car as we kept walking. "S" really wants to go on a mission and teach people
about God so she really wanted to try contacting people with us. We were not going to say no, so for 10 minutes she walked around with us. It was so hilarious because she would see someone on the road and yell at them across the street, "Heyy! Excuse me! Do you have a second to
talk about God? These are missionaries here!!!" I was seriously about to laugh it was just kind of the most bizarre experience ever. But so cool at the same time! I hope that "S" is ready to hear our message and accept the restored gospel because she will seriously be such a killer missionary one day! CRAZY miracles happening!!
We did some service for Soeur Bouoli this week by helping her make food for a party she was helping with. Service as a missionary is so much fun. We also ate lunch with her at the chapel. I love how much time and detail French people put into their food. The difference between American cooking and French cooking is the TIME that French people put in. Oh I love France! The other day on the tram, I saw two
men with French bérets and I was like WELL I AM IN FRANCE.
I have been thinking recently how important it is to be patient with ourselves as we stumble and learn through this life. Some days, I am like, "yes! I am finally getting it. I am improving. I am learning. I am doing awesome!" And then other days, I feel frustrated with myself. I have weaknesses. I feel like I am just having a BLAH day. But every day is part of the process. It is normal to mess up and not be
perfect. We won't be perfect in this life. But as we just keep trying, even on the BLAH days, things will work out. Things will be okay.
Last night I read the Book of Mormon before going to bed. Not for my studies. Just to feel happy. And as I sat there reading, I was filled with the peace of the holy ghost. And as I lay in bed waiting to fall asleep, I just felt so much joy. I thought, "what is this feeling? I literally feel so much JOY. And I can't even tell you why but I just feel pure joy." I love reading the Book of Mormon because it talks about eternal truths. Things that really matter. Things that will not
just end after this life but eternal things! I love the Book of
Mormon. I am so grateful for our living Prophet Thomas S Monson, who reminded me of how important it is to read. The Book of Mormon is pure. When I read it, I am filled with joy and peace.
Love Abby
Soeur Poissionnier when she was young
Hike, picnic and ice cream with the Boualis. So beautiful and felt so good to wear my chacos and be in my element
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