This week Soeur Cusick and I had an opportunity to present at Ecully Zone Conference. We wore MATCHING outfits! Hahah. We are crazy. We presented about online proselyting because we will be using facebook soon. We talked about how habits we learn now as missionaries with sharing the gospel on social media will bless us for the rest of our lives. It went better than I thought.
This week was better than last week. I think I am just coming to accept the fact that I am always tired as a missionary. I also received a blessing from the assistants which I was so grateful for. I love the priesthood. I never want to live without the priesthood in my life. I felt a lot of strength and peace after the blessing. Just like, okay, you know what? It is going to be okay. You are doing just fine. Keep going.
Timéo was baptized on Saturday! (Amandine son. The girl who got baptized a month ago.) He was SO excited for the baptism. For the interview earlier that week, I saw him across the street just looking so swag. With his fedora and cool glasses. I loved watching how happy Amandine looked at the baptism. As we sat there, I looked at Timéo. I saw so much potential in this cute boy. I saw him receiving the priesthood, preparing for a mission, and getting married in the temple
one day. What an amazing journey he has begun. It was very sweet watching Timéo walk into the baptismal font. He tiptoed in and said, "ahhh, it is really hot in here!" He was so hesitant about coming in the water. He felt nervous. But what a sweet experience watching him get baptized.
The other week, a member took us to a cafe to get ice cream. There wasn't anyone in the cafe except for us and the woman working there. I felt like I should talk to her so I asked her if she owned the restaurant. She said yes. We talked a little bit longer. Then left. Nothing too crazy. But a couple weeks later, Amandine said, "Hey I have to show you something!" She had posted this picture of us on her facebook from Lucie's baptism. And her friend commented on the photo and said, "Hey! I know those girls! They came into my ice cream shop the other day! They are so cute." So we decided to go get ice cream again at her shop and visit her with Amandine since they were friends.
We ended up sharing a spiritual thought with her there at the ice cream shop. Then this last week we had another lesson with her in the ice cream shop! Amandine invited her to come to Timéo's confirmation yesterday at church. And SHE CAME! It was a testimony to me that by small and simple things, big things happen. By just saying hello to her at the ice cream shop, she recognized us on facebook, then we taught her, and then she came to church. Big miracle.
Today was President's pday. We spent time at the mission home with the President and Sister Brown. It was super fun and super wet. President also taught me how to play volleyball better so that is awesome. Ahhhhhh I love my mission friends. I hope I hang out with them forever. I love American bbq food. I love water fights. I love Soeur Brown
One year. Celebrated with an ice cream and PostIt note
Soeur Kelly
Exchange with Soeur Brooksby
Soeur Houkin made a Tahitian flower crown
Me and my comp, Sour Cusick
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